Thursday, September 04, 2008

Midnight Conversations

[Actually 1:30 AM Conversations...]

"Daddy?  Woody missing his arm."
"But they can sew it back on."
"Daddy?  Ellie's arm."
"Does it need a kiss?"
"Yes Daddy... Thank you Daddy."


Rob Monroe said...

Abby was up at 4:30 this morning and asked for Wheat Thins after her milk...

paulboal said...

4:30 was about when I finally made it to bed, after spending 2 hours curled up with a 4 year old in her tiny bed. I think me sleeping on that bed is a bid more than the mattress was designed for. The rest of our conversation last night:

Kicking legs
Kicking legs
"Yes... Ellie would please stop kicking Daddy?"
"Yes. Daddy?"
Kicking legs
"OK, I'll get you some water."
"Thank you."
Kicking legs